SPRING RUNNY NOSE IN CHILDREN. Isn’t it a spring allergy? Find out with us.

Seasonal allergies, also called hay fever, are unpleasant for children (and their parents too). Hay fever is the result of an allergic reaction to pollen. They may only be affected at certain times of the year, for example, in the spring.

And if at some point you realize that your child has a constant runny nose and the kindergarten calls you to say that he is sick for the third week in a row… maybe it’s not a bad idea to think about whether he doesn’t have a spring allergy.
What causes spring allergy?
Tree pollen is a common trigger for spring allergy symptoms. Allergens can vary by region, but the trees responsible for many springtime allergies include ash, birch, elm, pine, oak, pecan, hickory, poplar, and walnut trees.

For example, a child with a birch pollen allergy will have increased symptoms in the spring when the birch trees are in bloom. Other allergies will peak during different seasons. Children with grass allergies will be most affected in the summer, and those with ragweed allergies will suffer the most in the fall.

What are the symptoms of spring allergies?
Signs that children have spring allergies include:

  • Sinus congestion or pressure
  • Runny nose or irritated nasal passages
  • Itchy, watery eyes
  • Scratchy or sore throat
  • A cough
  • Swollen, bluish skin under the eyes
  • Decreased sense of taste or smell

Spring allergies can be nothing more than a nuisance for a child with mild symptoms.
However, severe pollen allergies can affect children’s school work and prevent them from playing outdoors. Hay fever symptoms usually decrease as children age. Only way to prevent allergy symptoms is to avoid the allergen, but this time of the year, this can be impossible.

How to help a child with this problem?

  • Do not keep your child in the yard or outdoor park during a peak spring bloom
  • Go for a walk on days that are dry and windy
  • Remove and wash the clothes your child has been wearing outside when you get home
  • Bathe your child as soon as you get home
  • Do not open windows and doors when pollen counts are very high.
  • Fight dust mites by vacuuming your home frequently.

What is the best medicine?

Because spring allergies are common, there are some medications available to treat allergy symptoms. If high pollen counts are predicted, ask your doctor if you should start giving your child allergy medicine before symptoms start.

Medications to treat hay fever symptoms include: Combined antihistamines and decongestants

Saline nasal sprays can also help wash pollen out of your child’s nose. Eye drops can help relieve eye irritation.

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